Sex Stories
Search & Properties
How Can I Find Out Which Stories Are 'Top Rated' By The Scribba Community?
We love to see the stories created by our users, capture the attention of the community.
For this reason, we have our very own rating system which allows our readers to 'vote' for a story they liked and help it reach the highest spot on our 'Top Rated' tab.
Additionally, each month we send out an email showing the best stories that stood out to the Scribba community, based on:
- 'Top Rated'
- 'Most Viewed'
To rate a story, click the 'double thumbs up' button on a story preview, or below the story title once the story is opened.
For this reason, we have our very own rating system which allows our readers to 'vote' for a story they liked and help it reach the highest spot on our 'Top Rated' tab.
Additionally, each month we send out an email showing the best stories that stood out to the Scribba community, based on:
- 'Top Rated'
- 'Most Viewed'
To rate a story, click the 'double thumbs up' button on a story preview, or below the story title once the story is opened.
Scribba's Story Groups & Categories
Each and every story published on Scribba is assigned to a 'Category'.
This makes it easier for the readers of our community to search for the content they are looking for, no matter the niche.
Some Scribba's featured 'Categories' are:
- Kinky
- Playful
- Cheating
- Dionysus
- Ms Pamela
- And others
As Ms. Pamela is Scribba's top erotic author, she has her own 'Category'
This makes it easier for the readers of our community to search for the content they are looking for, no matter the niche.
Some Scribba's featured 'Categories' are:
- Kinky
- Playful
- Cheating
- Dionysus
- Ms Pamela
- And others
As Ms. Pamela is Scribba's top erotic author, she has her own 'Category'
I'm Looking For An Erotic Story On Scribba, How Can I Find It?
Scribba allows its users to view any published story based on publication date ('All Stories' tab), 'Top Rated' and 'Most Viewed', through our homepage.
If you can recall the title or a sentence relating to the story, you can visit our 'Search' section and make your search based on your specified term.
All content published on Scribba is placed under one of our 'Categories' which you can also use to filter stories and even discover others with similar context.
Additionally, email verified users can find the stories they have visited in the past through their read 'History' tab.
If you can recall the title or a sentence relating to the story, you can visit our 'Search' section and make your search based on your specified term.
All content published on Scribba is placed under one of our 'Categories' which you can also use to filter stories and even discover others with similar context.
Additionally, email verified users can find the stories they have visited in the past through their read 'History' tab.
Can I Save A Scribba Story To Read For Later?
You can add a story to your 'Favourites' to save for a later read. All you have to do is click the 'Star' icon found under the story's title when the story is opened.
You will then be able to find all your favourite stories under the 'Favourites' menu tab.
You will then be able to find all your favourite stories under the 'Favourites' menu tab.
Can I Continue Reading A Story From Where I Left Off?
Our email verified users have access to our 'History' section which allows them to go through the stories they have visited in the past.
Along with a record of their visited stories, our users can view the 'Read Progress' of the story shown as a percentage next to the story's preview.
Along with a record of their visited stories, our users can view the 'Read Progress' of the story shown as a percentage next to the story's preview.
Can I Leave Comments Or Feedback On A Sexy Story?
At the moment Scribba does not have an integrated 'Comments' section just yet.
If you wish to report a grammar mistake, or recommend a potential fix to a story, please forward your query through our 'Contact us' form and the members of our team will review the details.
If you wish to report a grammar mistake, or recommend a potential fix to a story, please forward your query through our 'Contact us' form and the members of our team will review the details.